Cupcakes sirnі in silikonovyh forms. Syrny muffins in silikonovyh forms: recipes from photos Syrni muffins in silikonovy forms

Bagato lasuniv without rosum in cupcakes with sir. You can often gettuvati at Christmastide days, or you can pay tribute to a simple tea, delighting your homemade savory vipichkoy.

You can prepare sirnі muffins in silikonovyh forms for one of the recipes I have proponated. Form a can of buty r_zn_, for example, a round or rectangular cake.

Vyrishuvati, as syrny muffins in the forms will be served to the table, only to you, the bigger one, this year's silikonovy blanks for vypichki on the market are presented in a magnificent assortment.

The filling for cupcakes with sir is not surrounded by rods or cherries, you can make a vip with orange peel, candied fruits, zagal, the list of things that can be bought in vikoristan is really great.

Sirnі muffins in the forms matimut not deprive the appetizing viglyad, ale and lower relish. Such a vipichka є savory, cinnamon і is loved by bagatma, both children and grown-ups.

Perekonayte in the photo, which is not just words, that and vipіkaite їkh especially. Below, I proponate my recipe for lilac cupcakes, which you can cook in the spirit of the house, vikoristovuchi silikonov form.

Prosty sirny muffins

The recipe for preparing liquor vipichka for transferring such products: 400 gr. sira; 50 gr. sah. powder; 1.5 tbsp. boron; 150 g sl. olii; 125 gr. zukru; 3 pcs. chickens. yєts; 12 gr. powder for vip_cannya; vanilinu bilya tricky.

The technology for preparing vipychka in silikonovyh forms is simple:

  1. This flour is 2-3 times. You, melodiously, remembered that there are a lot of recipes for transferring the process, and even with such a rank її to be given a sour taste.
  2. Sl. ol_ya melt, vikoristovuchi p_ch. Robit is required for weak fire.
  3. Hello tsukor and yachka, I give olii, vanilin, sire, and I kindly beat out the sum.
  4. It’s fine - I mix powder for the wine and I add it, I mix it all up with a little wine, and I add it all over the place, I don’t shake it up.
  5. I beat it for a little bit of bread, I give it to the giblets, I just reach the same consistency of taste.
  6. Form a zilikonu hanging in front of the vikorystannyam. Even better, it’s not necessary to grow up. fat. I put it in a bag, or a confectionery mishhok, make sure to store the shape by 2/3.
  7. I bake in the oven for 180 gr. close to 30 hilin. You can embellish it. powder. Remember that the cupcakes will need to be given oholonuti, persh below the oven.

Sirny muffins with cherry filling

My recipes are simple for preparing and not transferring importantly available Ingredients. Soup vipekty sirny muffins in silikonovyh forms, if you need to take a whole set of products:

400 gr. sira; 1.5 tbsp. sah. powder; 2 tbsp. boron; 250 g sl. olii; 2 tsp van. zukru; 3 pcs. chickens. yєts and 1 chickens. block; 1 tsp powder for vip_cannya; 3 tbsp. l. kart. starch; 1 pack. candy.


  1. I am cooked well, yak and having put in the last recipe. Zmіshuyu її with powder for vipіchka, schob not bulging breasts. I grind tsukor with powder, vikoristovuchi kavomolku. I rozіgrіvayu sl. I pass the oil through a sieve sir. Cherry will be needed by the way of a small supply and good luck.
  2. Zmіshuyu suh. powder with cells, I beat the masu and add olii. I’ll need to write a pin, but I’m beating 10 khvili to that one.
  3. I beat the siren to masu and bring it to madness, I also add a van. zukor, borosno that powder for vip_chka. It is necessary to trim the thick masu, to that I beat on the high shvidkostі.
  4. I will roll the cherry into the cards. crumbs, I put them in ready-made, just a little more neatly, the berries are not rosy. Zapovnuyu form for 2/3 and bake 20 quilins at 180 gr.
  5. If the cupcakes are ready, I will embellish them. I mark the vicorist glaze. For the sake of it, I add a zhovtok from the yachka, beat the yogi with a fork to the point that zmіshy z 100 gr. sah. powder. By density, 50 gr. it will be enough too.

I decorate syrny muffins with icing and a pack of sweets.

Sirny muffins with licorice moles

It is necessary to take such products, vipekti muffins in silikonovyh forms:

250 g sira; 20 gr. boron; for UAH 150 margarine and black moles without brushes; 250 g zukru; 2 pcs. chickens. yєts; 1 tsp powder for vip_cannya; vanilla bilya tricky; 3 tbsp. milk.

Fixes at silikonovyh forms gotuvati sirni keksi:

  1. I fill the rods with boiled water on khilin 10, give oholonuti and hanging yogo.
  2. Borosno s_yu, I put the powder for the vip_chka in the new railway.
  3. Rose margarine.
  4. The rest of it - I rub the margarine and sir, I beat the eggs and the tsukor. The smallest two sums and treasure vanilin.
  5. Just to be grateful, that needs to be added to the milk and a little mole. Kindly change everything again.
  6. I just bake the form close to the year - a pint for 180 gr. at your spirit. The sound of a ready-made cupcake needs to be turned over with a stick of wood. If you shake it in, and if it’s unbaked and wet, then it’s too early to get the vip.

And yet, not everything, є the recipe for the malt syrnoy vipichka is even trickier. Below is a recipe for pickling orange peel, which can be used for lovers of the original.

Sirny muffins with orange peel

Marvel at the photo, how to garnish the cupcakes. Ale naygolovnishhe, the orange aroma for the next day will become stronger.

Throughout the world, you can appreciate the aroma of an orange, which looks like everything, and you can enjoy a divine relish.

Prepare sirny muffins for cooking, see:

140 gr. sira; 20 gr. sah. powder; for UAH 150 that tsukru is growing; 80 gr. sl. olii; 2 pcs. chickens. yєts; 1 tsp powder for vip_cannya; a crust of one orange, you need to add it to the zest.

Preparation process:

  1. I am ready to go for a long time. Borosno sіyu, zavazhno with powder for vipіchka.
  2. Sl. olia rozm'yakshaya.
  3. I rub the sire, I beat the margarine and the tsukor. Rub the orange pick on the other side of the grater.
  4. Sire and eggs at the same time, offered by the mixer of the same size.
  5. Let's put some sumish flour and 1 tsp. powder for vip_cannya, zest.
  6. Mixed and spare form for a vip. I send for 20-35 min. in the oven, bake for 180 gr.
  7. To decorate the cupcakes for the rajah, it is possible to overshadow them so that all the relish does not change. Ale, remember, before Tim, yak distavati, it is necessary to give oholonuti vipichtsi.

Yak adornment for vipichka can be taken. powder, rub the glaze or rub the chocolate on top.

It’s impossible to add recipes to the recipe, which itself would need to decorate with licorice for the whole motherland, and then switch on your imagination.

The recipe is even simpler, and that is not to blame for the problem you have;

I’m dumb, because I’m on the streets of bad weather, and I don’t even see them in the licorice syrup. Skin recipe from my bloos and my own plus.

That and vzagal, I raja to you inherit my butt and more often baluvati family of wonderful vipichkoy.

Shcheb vipekti muffins without any problems, please read the following information:

  1. Do not be unhappy with the procedure of enrichment. With this rank, you can preserve the ease and lack of strength.
  2. Do you plan to put some dried fruit in a bowl? Obov'yazkovo vimiyte and fill it with water. Only slowly, simmer with flour. In such a rank, sprinkle a lot of dough pieces, which is even more important for a cake.
  3. Cream, eggs are more colorfully cold before cooking, the stench is easy to get sick.
  4. Do not wrinkle the oven doors, because the cupcakes can fall into the wrong place.
  5. As soon as you can try it out with a leafy dough, don't put it on a vip, make sure your hands grow. olієyu.
  6. If the form іtіsto is very angry, it’s possible to steam up and steam up.
  7. Do not decorate the warm cake with cream, in a drip.
  8. Shovel from the Mixer and let the chickens be beaten. baby bills, if there will be a hanging and clean, an error, the operation may end in failure.
  9. Shcheb embellish, that th cream, among other things, they kicked the cupcakes most beautifully, freeze them in advance.
  10. Just a few minutes for an hour to add to the package and continue to work with it, the sum did not stick to the hands.
  11. Put it in the form just like that, so it’s not going to be gripped in the middle, so there’s not a lot of space in the middle.
  12. The whites of the bricks were packed thickly, lay them in front of the tsim of trochas of salt.
  13. Sloni cakes will be meat, as in only 1 tbsp. otstu trividsotkovy.
  14. To cleanse the silikonov forms, in which muffins were baked, from the beaches, take soda and sil, proportions one to one.

My video recipe

Cupcake recipes from simple cover photo instructions

40 hilin

190 kcal

5/5 (4)

The knowledge of crimson weasels has become commonplace, with a photo from the magazine. From the recipe written there, it became zerous, so you can get it ready. Having bought the uniform, they immediately let it go to the right, and the robot with the "small forms" vipichka was honored. Another dessert of ours is mafini with sire.

  • Inventory and kitchen technology: two high bowls, a mixer, a set of forms from a silikon, an oven.

Necessary products

Yak cook sirny muffin?

I’m getting 12 min cupcakes in one go. For the family, it is not so rich, especially if you think about it, because of the sheer speed of the stench you see from the tare. Efforts to translate the investment into the same amount. Pidignati plus-minus is possible, having opened the vitrate for one portion.

Pich can be progressed in front - "unscrewing" up to +190 - 200 ° C, open the oven for a couple of quills and set the required temperature. So it is possible to preserve more efficiently heating the dough.

Now I'm going to join in, as I can play muffins with syrup filling.

1st stage component

  • Vershkov oil;
  • Egg;
  • Sil;
  • Zukor;
  • Vanilin.

On the very cob, get a 150-gram bar of olia rostopiti. To fight the price for a small amount of fire, the whole hour will change the ridin. The writing of re-melting is too much to attain.

Taking a bowl of glyboku, sprinkle an egg. The twist is possible on the high wraps of the mixer, finishing one hour at a time. Tsukor is guided right along the way, magayuchis zypati yo rivnomіrno (if the "fear" of yo immediately, then it will be done by a mikser).

This is the road that vanilinu. Sumish is scrolled by our apparatus.

2nd stage component

  • Sire;
  • Soda;
  • Lemon;
  • Borosno.

In an environment and also a large tableware I put preparation sire. I grind yogo with a fork with a fork (to any other fraction).

I will increase the "original" procedure for preparing British muffins to reach out of the deyaki of English cafes.

If there are some fine additions, then the basis for the pastry and vershove oil, which is cool. The whole "mix" was soundly mixed, and the same masa came out.

I took a spoonful of soda and quenched it with specks of lemon juice. It can be popped into a bowl from the preparation. Reap to be brought out of the soul - so are the training of the brush. Now there is a cherry for flour. It’s right in front of us, that the muffins have gone out to see us.

3rd stage component

  • Roslynna olia.

Cover it with rose oil. I have two sets of 6 for the skin. Fill the oil with a rosy penzel on all sides.

I myself just viclade approximately 2/3 of the shape. At bagatokh the okomir is more beautiful, the same one is bigger - put the mayzhe along the edge. I’m going to be insured, I don’t even know if I’m going to behave just when “going down”.

For a couple of chilin before tsiy give the command to rozіgrіti oven up to +180 ° C. Just a rude person will bring the syrny muffins in silikonovyh forms to the required conditions for 20 - 25 hvili.

If you have a chance to conduct a small test for readiness. Taking a skewer or a toothpick, I wash the fresh virib. As soon as nothing stuck, it was great.

Periodically glance into the oven, overturning, how to go quickly.

Nineterplyachіshim will have a chance to visit, our savory maє oholonuti hocha b 7 - 10 khviliin. Then you can go to the "decor".

Yak garno to issue and pay vipichku

Having given the oholonuti to the muffins, I sprinkle them with powdered sugar, passed through a small strainer. For the sake of the options for decorating masa: marshmallow chi olive cream, melting chi rubbed chocolate. On the "top" you can put little pieces of fruit or berries. Joke at the police - if you know coconut shavings, it's wonderful to see it.

Mi zvikli, scho vipichka hiba scho embellishes the family "tea ceremony". So, I would like to see new additions to new juices and milk. We tasted a bit of cocoa after a few moments - it was wonderful and especially quiet.

The cooked small muffins will save some freshness, so you can easily transport them. For example, on the "malt style" for the month of robotics.

Try as soon as you know how to prepare muffins for sirens, like our recipe and assignments from photos, look pretty good. Ale є deyaki nuances, yak bazhano nobility.

Keksi for the first time guess at the documents of the XIV century. Todi stench was served on a weekly basis as well as lasoschi.

The stink of the overwhelming "technical side" of our present-day weasels.

The newcomer can take three steps to improve the quality of life with the drive of a few test pieces, which can be poured into the form before being put into the oven. Some dzherela cheer up the brothers again, and a lot of gentlemen fight for "more than half". Here, I will lay everything down from the stove, more precisely, I will become. It’s like nagrivannya to play nervously (like a tse buvah zi old apparatus), more beautiful than a trifle of inadequacy. Tim bolshe, shou rizik show a thrash is also not a good idea to skip a rakhunka. The new oven can be easily "digested" and simply, picked up on the side itself.

About the fillings, one can say one - їх options even more generously, from a zucchini to a banana. There is already someone to relish. Only when you are considering ingredintev try not to include until the list of "confusing" components. Sour, it can’t be sour (I want it to savor on the right).

Vershkov's oil will melt less on an open water. Mikrokhvilova pich or a multicooker simply does not make such an effect, like a hotplate. Begin to stand in a whole hour of the plate, mixing the mass.

In addition to the extraordinary oven, you can vikoristovuvati a multicooker. Tilki won one shortage, and there is a little bit of mischief. Great, the mold at the bowl of the unit is not more than six. And if the form is integral (admittedly, there are 6 intermediate ones), then there is not much to think about: just the oven.

In addition to the silikonovyh, they are suitable for the use of metal attachments. Їх need to carefully stick with flour, before napovnennyam.

The most popular cupcake XVI - XVII century buv "Dresden" mafin. Also vіn vіdomy yak shtollen.

Another trick for lasuns is that right in the middle of the form, it is possible to spread a solid piece of chocolate. Wine rose and drip lilac cream for muffins. So, without that, a unique taste can be brought to a thorough mage. Children from such simple "tricks" are simply captured.

Video recipe for preparation of syrupy muffins

Pobachiti, yak to be shy about savoring, you can here:

Marveling at such a video, it’s ready to fit in. To navigate as there is no great "kitchen" admonition is not a bid, just follow the instructions. And only the result is okay.

Requested prior to negotiation and further approval

Don't forget to share your grocery secrets. For those who read it, there will be a number of different filling options, as well as innovations in sticks. We can update our recipe in an hour.

Lutius 06, 2017 Comments: 2

We will teach you a wonderful recipe for cupcakes in silikonovyh forms, which are prepared from simple ingredients, and the procedure for preparing products and the process of typing itself is underwhelmed and awkward. If you can get at home minds the proportions and recommendations described below, you can pamper your loved ones, as well as friends.

Cupcakes in small silikonovyh forms come out on a daily basis. Take a taste of vipichtsi nadaє sira, how to rob them with miracles like a dessert before tea! If your guests are already on the porosity, for the hour for cooking is not so rich, for example, for a snack, cupcakes in silikonovy forms will be the ideal option for all types of food.

Products for preparing cupcakes:

  • sir 300-400 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs.;
  • vershove oil - 80-100 g;
  • zukor - 120 g;
  • rozpushuvach tista - 1-1.5 tsp;
  • boronno - 150 g.

In front of me, by the way, from the refrigerator, you can get more oil, finish the rosm 'yakshennya or rostopiti. It’s necessary to give the lilac muffins the pulp and the nizhnosti. For the help of a blender, carefully beat the chicken eggs with sugar or powder (a few of them are put to taste).

Let us pay your attention to the sire, if you don’t, you can give 2 g of vanilin. Prodovzhiti zbivati ​​ingredinti, masa maє buti one-ridnoyu. The cupcakes are savory and less colorful than vicoristovuvati sir iz to finish with high fat fat (fatness in 9%) - the whole variety of cupcakes will be even more savory!

At the summit, scho came, ask proudly and give a trocha rozpushuvach. Once the blender is ready, mix the mass until a thick pasty-like body.

Take our silikonov forms, place paper inserts (at times, you can simply make them in the middle). Let us remind the portrayal of the form with the help of the past and the sumptuous ale not to the top, but approximately by ¾ in height, some of which will soon come up. We have 8-10 pieces of cupcakes.

It is necessary to put muffins in silikonovyh forms in the rozigrita oven. Vipikati sirny muffins in silikonovyh forms in the spirit of 30 min. at 160-180 degrees to a ruddy zarum'yanuvannya.

Yes, okholonuti і neatly dіstaєmo from forms and served to the table. The cupcakes can be served by sprinkling with powdered candied flour, or by sprinkling them with condensed milk, grating / melting them with chocolate, etc.

The most delicious cupcakes in silikonovyh forms are ready! Appetite for that wonderful mood!

Sire is a unique product in its versatility. At the same time, with a minimal set of their own ingredients, there are miracles that are not similar one to one cultural "tricks". A silikonov form add to the urgency of giving and lodging vipichka. Proponymous mastery of tsikavi recipes for lily cupcakes in silikonovy forms.

Bezpeka ponad mustache!

Hours, if the survivors of the battles marveled at the new type of kitchen stuffing - dishes from silikon - for happiness, are gone. Now silikonovy forms are known in the kitchen at the skin's important gentleman. Protect dermal medal A high drink appeared - and low-quality products were on the counters.

The head is glad when choosing silikonovogo utensils - the appearance of the certificate. Vipichka is not just savory, but baked. Tim is bigger, the one who is happy and happy. For example, children's cupcakes.

Indirect signs of an unpleasant grub silikon - smell and luster. A good silikonov form is not guilty of smelling and smelling of color (biley) on zgini. I don't smell good. In some cases, there are signs of production of lower quality.

And one more good thing: do not rush to the yaskrav. Acidic strengths are not to speak of the acidity of their strength.

Silikonov rules

Silikonov forms do not require great respect. The stench is easy to get away with, and the hedgehog, which is burnt in them, is easy to get away with without excess. However, for all their trips, there are many Mayut and Deyaki Minusi.

Nasamper, tse їхnya unstіykіst. The one who found the wrong roc is vmist, as it is, it’s a wild one, maybe it’s spilled. To this, there is a rule: a collection of silikonovy formations are placed on the stile of the surface and then begin to accumulate. Ruhati is not required to rearrange them.

The rule is different - there is nothing to eat in these forms. Silikon is even more vulnerable.

Sirny muffins in silikonovyh forms: a recipe for a classic basis


  • 200 g of sir, be it fat;
  • 1 tbsp. zukru;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 120 g top butter | mastic |;
  • 4 tbsp. l. moles (optional);
  • 1.5 tbsp. boron;
  • 1 tsp rozpushuvacha.

For embellishment:

  • 2 Eggs
  • natural food without baked piece food barvniki.


The whole recipe for a sylny cupcake with a photo of a cover preparation can be taken as a basis for a bagatech variation on the theme of sylny mafiniv.

Lilac cupcake with cherries


  • 100 g soft syru;
  • 1 jar vanilla yogurt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. boroshna (with a girkoyu);
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 g of pastry biscuits (more beautiful than chocolate);
  • 50 g top butter | mastic |;
  • 250 g frozen cherries 1 tbsp. svizhoy;
  • 3/4 Art. zukru;


Prepare cakes of cakes based on the principle of coming from the front.

  • Baking razkrishiti to dіbnoї krikhti and zmіshati z | іz | m'yakim vershok butter.
  • I will separate the mass into 4 silikonovy forms (fallen out of its size) and with a ball to the bottom.
  • Sire iz tsukrom zmіshati in a blender or even good rubbing in misci. Masa maє buti without breasts, one-sided.
  • Add the egg to the sir, and then the yogurt is fine. Even better, mix everything up.
  • Vikladati portions otrimanu masu at the mold on the pie.
  • Rozіgrіti oven up to 220C. In a great vogetrivku mnіst to pour water and put in it like a silikonovі form. The water can reach as much as the middle of the forms. Put a sticky note for 30 minutes | minutes |.
  • Prepare muffins of viymati from forms deprived of food.
  • See the brushes from the cherries, put the berries in the drushlyak. You can make a spoonful of trochies and a trochie vijati. Zayviy sіk is not necessary for us.
  • Cherry vicladati on a mountain of ready-made muffins, drink some red powder.

Sirni muffins with banana cream

Ingredієnti and the technology of preparation is given in the form of a recipe for a syrupy cake with photographs. Yogo can be victorious as the basis for siren-banana muffins. And the axis above the cream will get trocha pratsuvati.


  • 200 g (small pack) sour cream - can be replaced with fat tops;
  • 2 bananas without dark beaches;
  • 2 tbsp. l. candied powder;
  • 1/2 sachet vanilinu (yakshcho vanilі nemaє, you can vikoristovuvati vanіlniy zukor);


  • Zbyvaєmo sour cream with tsukrovy powder mіkser doty, docky won’t become one-sided that thick. If you have to replace the sour cream with a high, high fat content, drink it all at once, as the stench will become thick. In the іnshomu vipadku you can edit olіyu that sirovatku okremo. However, with sour cream, such an attack can be. Don't overdo it.
  • Bananis are clean, great lama and put in a blender. Robimo has mashed potatoes one day.
  • Shvidko, as long as it hasn't darkened, there is a lot of banana puree from smashed sour cream.
  • Razrіzaєmo ready muffins, wiymaєmo with a teaspoon of trocha pulp from the middle (such a savor will not be lost!) And stuffed with banana cream.

Lilac dessert at the raznіmnіy silіkonovіy formі


  • 400 g sire;
  • 1/2 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 p. Vanilla zukru;
  • 40 g gelatin;
  • 100 g zucru;
  • be-like berries.


  • Sire, milk and zukor zavantazhiti in a blender і beef up to odnosti.
  • Gelatin is prepared from the instructions on the packaging. Heat until it is cooked.
  • Gelatin zmіshati from syrupy masoyu. Pour the silikon form into the rose and set it in the cold to catch it.
  • Lay the berries on top of the cake. For the bazhannyam, get some powdered flowers. A wonderful dessert is ready!

So miraculously, finish your last day with a light and delicious dessert! Why wouldn't it be a lilac cupcake? Having made friends from silikonovy utensils, you will add yourself to the right of the wonderful friend. Give free rein to it - it’s easy and easy to adjust the molds for your cool fantasies!

by the materials

2015-10-31T01: 26: 25 + 00: 00 admin desserts vipichka, desserts, korisnі poradi, photorecipe

Sire is a unique product in its versatility. At the same time, with a minimal set of their own ingredients, there are miracles that are not similar one to one cultural "tricks". A silikonov form add to the urgency of giving and lodging vipichka. Proponymous mastery of tsikavi recipes for lily cupcakes in silikonovy forms. Bezpeka ponad mustache! Hour, if you live ...

[email protected] Administrator Zastilla-online

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