Savory currants have been prepared for the winter with the best recipes. Added watermelon

- one of the few products in which the berries and savory berries are wonderfully combined. Moreover, what’s especially good is that the preparations are even more delicious and look fresher. The gentleman's skin sings its recipes for making currant jam. Below are some of the original ones.

Without varіnnya

Perhaps the most valuable thing that black currants have is ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Moreover, instead of this most valuable element, currants are planted almost third after red bell pepper. Ascorbic acid itself is more resistant to heat.

Important! During the boiling process and subsequent sterilization, 30 to 90% of vitamin C is irreversibly consumed.

Luckily, There is a simple secret, How to cook currants without boiling. On the other hand, there is a preservative involved in preserving the berries and protecting them from the influx of microbes, in most recipes they are beaten in with the help of a hot infusion of high temperature, the zucchini and acid are miraculously infused. Moreover, black currant berries contain enough moisture for “natural preservation”; therefore, it is advisable to add lemon juice or citric acid to the preparation, as in other recipes, in which case it is not necessary.

Ale axis Tsukru cannot be shkoduvati Not in any way, and even in this case, the role is not so savory as it is entirely practical. The quantity of fruit behind the fruit is twice as large as the quantity of the fruit itself. You can reduce the speed of the mixture to a proportion of 1: 1.5 and 1: 1, but in this case the ready-made “vitamin” will need to be stored in the refrigerator first, otherwise, try to preserve it knaishvidshe (take it, until spring soon) rikuє inadequacy).

Freshly picked fruits (can be picked at once) are then laid out on a paper towel and allowed to dry thoroughly, periodically turning over so that the water does not stagnate on the adjacent plots.

Then we carefully clean the currants from the green stems and dark “tails” on the upper part of the skin of the fruit.

The preparation of berries is identical for all recipes, We won’t repeat it further.

We sift the berries with the cucumber, mix well, then pass the sum through a meat grinder (you can speed it up with a blender).

Important! The extracted sumish is not placed into jars, but poured into an enamel or glass container, covered with a towel and left for 48 years in the refrigerator. The skin should be stirred for a period of time. Tsukor and fruits are to blame for the goodness of “making friends.”

Through the definitions of the term, we distribute the “live jam” into jars, first stir and boil or steam over steam. Fill approximately 3 cm to the top of the jar, then cover it with the crust to the top.

The jars are covered with polyethylene lids, sealed with parchment and tied with a stake.

The workpiece is ready. The recipe is good not only because it preserves all the brown components of the currants - the jam looks even beautiful and smells like fresh berries. It’s true, you have to pay for everything: the splinters instead of the zukru in such a boiled dish are very high, drinking it in great quantity can bring health not harm, but rather harm.


The gentleman really doesn’t want to make jam from black currants; Efficiently, regardless of the recipe, the procedure itself for collecting and further purifying these fruits takes a lot of time and effort: from the beginning, the prickly grono is cut off, then you need to cream the skin liquid from it, and also a bucket Take her ponytail. Everything is so, except this is a recipe in which, after all the preparatory work has been completed, you only need to complete a few simple manipulations - and the miracle preparation for the winter is ready.

Cook the jam in one step, It is necessary to remove the foam from the cooking process. So the recipe is ideal for busy gentlemen who only have two days to go to collect the crop and process it all.

For 1 kg of prepared currant fruits you will need 1.5 kg of currant and about a glass of water.

Pour a little water into the bottom of a copper or enamel bowl, stir in the zukor, stir and melt on fire, stirring constantly. When the syrup comes to a boil, stir in the black currant fruits and, without forgetting to stir, bring to a boil. We take the fire to a minimum and detect five khvilins (this is important).

After about an hour, the jam is poured into the prepared jar, filled with lids, turned upside down, covered with a towel and left to cool until empty.

The recipe for preparing jam “five-forks” for the winter is good because, in addition to the small amount of time spent on it, there is also minimal thermal processing of currants don't get in the way, come out of the brown speeches(It will have, obviously, less vitamin C than the “cold” product, but there will still be costs). As a matter of fact, it would be difficult to call such a product dietary.

At the multivarts

This original method of preparing black currants will suit those lucky gentlemen who have acquired a fashionable gadget called a “multi-cooker” and are engaged in swilling activities to explore their capabilities.

It's a pity Serious reserves for the winter are problematic in this way(And your ordered bowl is surrounded by a given volume, and grandma’s basin will not be vikorized), but as an experiment, you can easily prepare a jar of simple jam.

The prepared berries are mixed with the zur in a ratio of 1: 1, stirred, put in the refrigerator overnight (you must let the juice in, otherwise do not ferment), the mixture is poured into the multicooker bowl, the “Soup” or “Gas” mode is set Innya" (lie in I’ll add some stamps), twist the lid, and cook 60 hvilins. The jars are ready within an hour. When the jam is ready, pour it hot into hot jars and cover it with crusts.

In principle, a multicooker allows you to prepare jam according to any recipe, without having to worry about guessing. Please be aware that the finished product may turn out to be a little rare, but you will hear it. On the right, the water in the process of preparing herbs in such a device is not evaporated as intensely as when boiled on a stove or over a hot fire. Therefore, water, which is on the list of ingredients for most jam recipes, may not be added when using a multicooker.

Important! Most cooking gadgets recommend that you always remove the steam valve when cooking in the multicooker, otherwise it will foam and leak.

For these reasons, it’s not easy to remember if you’re in trouble, ideally, invest no more than 25% of your total liability!

Z varіnyam (simple recipe)

Of course, the tastiest blackcurrant jam comes from the berries, pureed through a sieve. The same pasta is poured without a single brush - it's a shame! Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this option for preparing food for the winter; this procedure is difficult. If you have a great harvest, and there is no time for processing, you can speed up the process with a very simple recipe, the result of which will be disgraceful.

Important! The berries must be softened, but not overripe, the scraps before boiling are sprinkled with dill, so that the soft fruits are immediately crushed and the juice is consumed.

We pour cold purified water over the prepared fruits so that the berries are completely covered. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Now we pour in the currants again, add dill, bring the water to a boil together with the berries, reduce the heat to a minimum, and for a few quills, quickly throw the fruits onto the stove. We're depriving ourselves of water from berries!

Pour into the preparation of enamel dishes the water in which the berries were blanched, from two to three bottles per kilogram of berries (depending on the thickness or rare jam you prefer), mix with a kilogram zukru per kilogram of currants, bring to a boil and cook until low heat until the syrup lightens. Now pour about a third of the syrup into a glass bowl, into the syrup that is left over, add the berries and cook, stirring, for about 15-20 syrups. At the end, pour in the previously hot syrup, bring the jam to a boil, put it in sterile jars, pack it and let it cool in an inverted pan.

This method speeds up the chewing of berries, And the jam will come out beautiful and tasty with minimal effort.


Whenever you hear the word “jelly”, we find it appetizing to shake the masa prepared with berries, zucchini, water and gelatin on a plate. However, black currants have the unique power to become chewy without the addition of any sticky substance from the food industry.

Do you know? The cream of gelatin and the gelatinization process in cooking will be ensured by two other types of additives – pectin and agar-agar. Sirova for gelatin is cartilage, lived, brushes and animal skin, agarGARextracted from sea algae, and pectin is obtained from well-known vegetables and fruits, juice, citrus skins, beetroot and - bingo! - Black currant.

Well, black currants have everything you need to make jelly without any additional thickeners. Fruit cream, You will need more water.

Important! Hybrid varieties of berries are not suitable for making jelly, since the fragments of pectin (those components that you crave) are much smaller in them than in the “pure blood”.

I'll wash myself right away. You can prepare jelly much more simply, with less effort and expense. This option is for serious perfectionists.

Well, according to the classic jelly recipe, currant berries are combined with zhur and water at a ratio of 2:1:1.

We quickly prepare the fruit in a container prepared for boiling, fill it with water and, with constant stirring, bring it to a boil, and then cook another ten quills on a minimum heat, then add them to another lac.

Now it's necessary squeeze currant juice- this is a small part of the work. We thoroughly rub the fruit through a sieve, removing the skins and brushes. In fact, at this stage you can skip, but in the classic recipe it is necessary to squeeze the puree through a splint of gauze balls so that the main part of the pulp is also mercilessly removed.

Important! The mush and makukha from this recipe cannot be re-created. If you were so fond of raw berries, such products would be perfect for preparing a vitamin compote, but in this case, everything that was possible, the berry would have already yielded.

Let's move on to the offensive stage - boiling down. We need to drink the juice after simmering on the fire, changing to at least a quarter.

When the moment comes, we begin to introduce the tsukor step by step according to the bottle. After applying the skin portion, stir the mixture until the crust is completely dissolved, and then add the next portion.

The finished syrup is poured into hot sterile jars, after which we place them in a saucepan with dill (don’t forget to place gauze or a towel on the bottom so that the jars do not burst), cover with a lid and sterilize: liter jars - 15 liters, half-liter jars - Anything less.

Now you can move the banks. After they have cooled down again, to completely complete the gelatinization process, the jars need to be put in the refrigerator today, and then put away from the original cupboard or cupboard to save until winter.

With dried apricots

We looked at a number of options for blackcurrant jam. It sometimes happens that you suddenly have a ripe harvest of several crops, and you are wondering what to cook with them. Or you just find currant jam too boring. In this situation, you can prepare a folding version of preparations for the winter, where currants are the main, but not the only, ingredient. This option is well suited to those who love culinary experiments and may come across other, no less good, ideas.

The first combination is with dried apricots. In this recipe you can add currant fruits that are overripe, without harming the result.

For a kilogram of berries you will need 1.2 kg of dried apricots and a small piece of dried apricots (up to 100 g).

Pour dill into dried apricots until they swell, then add water and squeeze

Both types of fruit are processed through a meat grinder.

Add the fruit puree to the cucumber, mix and leave for a few years until completely dissolved. If necessary, stir the mixture.

Now there are two options. You can spread the extracted masa into sterile jars without boiling, following the described technology for preparing “live jam”, but you will need to save such a product in the refrigerator, or you can boil 15-20 khvilins and roll them up. In the first place We save vitamins and aroma, someone else's anatomy I will definitely prepare it to save a lot of money.

With watermelon

The recipe is good because it imparts a minimal amount of tartness to the zucchini, leaving the licorice to finish on its own.

Do you know? Garmelin in small quantities is not only possible, but also necessary for people who suffer from diabetes, both the first and other types, some of which (which I would like to call mildly) helps vines produce natural insulin).

For a kilogram of currant berries, we need about 300 g of zukru, 1.2 kg of peeled watermelon and a small scoop (approximately 30 g) of top butter.

Melt the oil in a saucepan, then add berries, finely chopped watermelon and zuccor, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. The foam that settles on the surface is carefully removed.

Place the prepared jam in the prepared jars behind. Let's get stuck in the critters.

In this recipe, the original currant jam begins to burst with new notes of an insignificant addition.

For each kilogram of fruit we need one medium size. Zukor - 1 kg 200 g.
Pass the berries through a meat grinder, add zuccor, beat (obviously using a stationary blender, both operations will be combined into one). Remove the sumish, carefully bring to a boil, stirring with a wooden spoon, change the heat and cook for a quarter of a year. The lemon is cut with the skin into separate slices or cubes - as appropriate - and added to the jam. Continue to simmer on high heat for another quarter of a year, then put into clean jars and drain (it is not necessary to cover the lids at this stage, so that the condensation can settle without dripping from the jam).

While it is still sweet, cut out circles from the paper with a diameter of approximately 5 cm larger than the diameter of the neck of the jars. The same mugs are cut from grub spit. When the jam has cooled to room temperature, we seal the jars as follows: we put the stem in the animal, wet it with paper cola, cover the animal with spit and tie it tightly with twine.

Another version of currant-citrus jam can be prepared without boiling. It is impossible to know what a significant dose of vitamin C is, as a result, if you soak up the fact that currants are rich in ascorbic acid, and all of it will be preserved in the finished product!

For variety, replace the lemon with an orange, also with the skin. The proportions of orange and currant can be varied, but the main component will still be the berry, and the citrus will detract from the main flavor.

We pass berries and cut oranges through a meat grinder. Add zukor - two parts per part of fruit puree (if you squeeze lemon - you can add a little more zukor). Mix well and stay in the refrigerator for 48 years. We put it into jars using the “live jam” technology (don’t forget to add zukor on top of the mixture, which further preserves the product).


And black currants begin to grow on ours instantly, so their fruit looks completely natural. We take currants and raspberries at a ratio of 2:1 (you can adjust the proportion to taste). Cucumber needs 1.2–1.5 kg per skin kilogram of fruit. Water is about a glass of water.

Mix in a container for boiling berries, water and half the specified volume of peel. Carefully bring to a boil, cook for five minutes. After adding the zukor, which has been left out, stir it gradually so that the wine dissolves quickly and the jam does not burn, and after another five minutes we put the finished product into jars, let it cool and let it cool upside down.

If you are scratching your head over what to prepare with black currants for the winter, try our ideas. Don’t be limited by all the old recipes, improvise, and even the master’s garna - not the one who knows a lot of recipes, but the one who can create a masterpiece from everything that was found in the refrigerator or grew in the garden. Black currant - Syrovina is very good for any kind of experiments. It is practically impossible to purchase this product!

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The berry is popular, growing all over the country and producing a stable harvest. Korisna is not the same as the black currant, but the red one is white. Black currants are especially priced as a substitute for vitamins, they contain vitamin C up to 300 mg, and instead of vitamin C they come with a small amount of rosemary. Black currant berries contain a high amount of vitamin B and carotene, rich in organic acids and pectin (jelly), calcium salts and salts. The high level of pectin in currants allows them to be added when making jelly from other fruits and berries rich in pectin.

When storing the currant preparation for six months, add 80% vitamin C first together. Currants are very easy to eat when they are fresh, and their currant minerals and vitamins are preserved in preparations. Black currant berries contain few oxidative enzymes, so vitamin C is best preserved during processing and when prepared for the winter, in the form of swirled compotes and boiled jam. Everyone knows the role of vitamins in everyday life. That’s why there are no recipes for cooking with currants, and the food that can be prepared with currants is never to blame. Currants, prepared in any way, and prepared for the winter by canning are always deprived of the number one vitamin berry. Prepared for the future, let’s start with the simplest things.

You can prepare a savory sour from fresh black currants. Sometimes it is not appropriate for state farmers to have currant grains in jelly, and cooks to give cinnamon juice, as is the correct way to prepare blackcurrant jelly. You need to take two bottles of soaked berries and add one bottle of water, drain and rub through a sieve. Pour any leftover liquid into 3 bottles of water, boil 2-3 bottles and strain. Place 1.5 flasks of zucchini in a bowl and cook vicoric acid and potato starch as a basic sour. Kissel with added starch does not need to be boiled, just brought to a boil. When the hot sour is ready, immediately pour in the previously squeezed currant juice and stir well. Kisil can be enjoyed hot or cold.

Delicious homemade blackcurrant jelly.
You need for one kilogram of berries, 300g of cucumber. Pick up black currant berries with a wooden mat and transfer to a saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes, then simmer soak the softened berries. Bring to a boil and add zukor. Cook until the cucru is broken. An hour of cooking may take no more than 30 minutes. Pour the hot jelly into a small jar and seal it.

Black currant jam is prepared in a cold way, without boiling. Since currants are a valuable dietary and savory product, we will try to preserve as much as possible all the vitamins that are contained in them. Sort out the black currants, rinse in cold water and dry. Then you need to grind the berries in a food processor and carefully mix the extracted butter with the zucchini in a ratio of 1:2. Then gently spread out the prepared jar. Place a ball of 1-1.5 cm cucru on top and cover with crusts or oil with paper. Preserve currants prepared in this way in a cold place. Preparing this method allows you to preserve the supply of vitamins in black currants until the next harvest. Prepared in a cold way, black currant jam has a taste and aroma that comes from the fruits of fresh berries.

The cream of grated fresh black currants can be prepared as tasty and I will not prepare it by heat treatment, but by preparing the “five-fork” method. Black currant berries are well suited for this method, you need to take 1.2 kg of zucchini per 1 kg of berries and mix well, cook until the zur is crushed, about 5-10 pieces, pour hot into jars and seal. Currants can be easily preserved as if they were fresh; to store them in the refrigerator, the currants can be covered with plastic lids or parchment.

To prepare a delicious fruit sauce you need 2-3 tablespoons of black currant jam.
If you have prepared blackcurrant jam, it will be easy to prepare a fruit sauce that is served before the lubricated game. . The jam needs to be grated s|iz| 0.5 teaspoon of mustard, add|add| 1 tbsp. spoon of wine, 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice. Cut the lemon peel into thin strips, so that one spoon comes out, and scald the zest with dill. Cut half the head of the tsibula into pieces and sprinkle with dill. Cool the zest and tsibul and mix with the sauce. The sauce is ready, it has a rich currant color and a sweet and sour taste.

A good homemade blackcurrant syrup is good. Sort out the berries and pick them up. Soak up the great soup, balls, over-seaming the skin ball with cucrum. With this in mind, it is necessary to remove the seeds so that the zuccor is evenly distributed among the berries. From above you need to grab a tosty ball of tsukru. Cork the bottle tightly so that it does not leak. Store the ingredients in a cool, dark place. Every year the bottle creates a wonderful thick and aromatic blackcurrant syrup. You can experience it with tea and water. The syrup can be used for preparing jelly and sauces.

We swirl the blackcurrant compote. To prepare compote at home, you need black currants and 1.0 kilograms of zucchini per 1 liter of water. The berries can be creamed from the brushes, or placed in jars directly on the trays.

Coryna please, so that the berries in the compote do not melt or wrinkle, dip for 1-2 hours in warm cherry syrup and then put in jars. The berries should not be flattened or distorted, and the color should not be lost. Prepare the filling and pour hot water over the berries in the jars. Sterilize jars in boiling water. Liter jars with a length of 20 hvilins. To extract more compote, fill the jars with berries in thirds. You will get a wonderful aromatic drink from black currants.

Prepares compote with black currants without cucumber. Sort out the currants, chop them and fill the jars with berries. The top of the jars is filled with dill and sterilized as before. Then roll up the crusts and turn them over. A natural concentrated blackcurrant compote is obtained, which can be used to prepare desserts and drinks.

Homemade blackcurrant juice with added zucchini. It’s delicious and insightful to come out when you cook it in a juice bar. Corisna porada – mix currants with a small amount of zucchini and place in a juicer. The zukor is added to the short juice of the berries and adds flavor to the finished juice. The juice is poured hot when the jar is ready and immediately sealed.

Prepare black currant jam, Make sure the berries preserve their required shape correctly. To prepare the jam, take 1 kg of black currant berries, 1.5 kg of pulp, 4 bottles of water. Prepare the berries and place them in a saucepan for 2-3 minutes.

Win the berries, and use the water to prepare the syrup. Place currants and berries in boiling syrup. Cook the jam in 2-3 portions of 7-10 minutes each and after 6-7 years. When boiling jam, the froth is created, previously children loved the sweetness, but now who doubts what they can eat? Pinka and jam! The piña needs to be picked up and enjoyed as a dessert, with ice cream or pancakes. The jam is ready to pour into jars and seal.

The figs from black currants are carefully prepared. Black currants are rich in pectin, so it’s a good idea to make homemade figs with them. You need 1 kg of berries, 0.5 kg of cucumber, 2 tbsp. spoons of currant juice. Mash the currants, sort them out and crush them in a bowl to make jam. Add the juice and zuccor, cook until the mixture just rises above the sides of the bowl. Then place the hot mixture on the deck in a thin ball no thicker than 1.5 cm. Dry the blackcurrant sauce on the deck at room temperature. The ready figs are cut into diamond shapes and sprinkled with zuccer. Extraordinary lassers for hair loss and headaches.

Preparing currants using the freezing method. Black currants lend themselves well to freezing and retain their shape and color of berries well. It practically does not waste its brown power and savory yakness. Currants can be frozen using rosesip so that the berries do not freeze into the breast. After freezing the berries, you can freeze them in bags or containers. Black currants can be frozen in lemon syrup. For this, prepare 40% syrup and pour the berries into a container. To be frozen. You can mix the berries with|iz| Crudely and put into containers. You can prepare frozen black currant puree with added honey and mint.

Black currants, prepared for the winter, without boiling, are tastier, brighter and richer in vitamins and microelements, which improve immunity.

Black currants without cooking - basic principles of preparation

Picking and then storing berries for the winter is a widespread tradition in our region. And in order to save all the currant bark for the whole river, it is best not to heat-treat the berries.

You can make jam, jelly, or jam from black currants without cooking. In addition, cinnamon berry can be dried and frozen. All this is possible, gentlemen, as there is no special culinary delight.

Smut - stock up on berries, peel and necessary for the process of preparing dishes: a saucepan or a stainless steel basin, sterilized jars and lids, a large spoon for stirring. The utensils must be clean, dry and sterile.

Berries for drying and freezing, as well as for jam, are not perestigli, whole. Of course, many people decided to use pressure and juice when preparing preparations from various berries, since black currants without boiling do not lend themselves to heat treatment, which is due to the fact that without traces of rot, Otherwise, your preparation will simply turn sour.

Another important moment - tsukor. Since you won’t be able to boil black currants, follow this so that the cherry juice is cleaned, without crunching the house. It is best to use the product carefully when removed from the store packaging.

1. What to make from black currants for the winter without boiling: drying and freezing

Who doesn’t want to enjoy delicious fresh jams from the garden on a cold winter evening, or boiled compote, pies, mlintzes with aromatic black currants. Although you might know a product like in expensive stores, not everyone likes the stench. An alternative option would be dried or frozen berries. This procedure does not require any preparation, preparation or special effort.

Freezing. The smut, which needs to be remembered and preserved, does not need to be picked. On the right is that during the currant hour, water is lost from the currants, which allows them to freeze until the berries become deformed. So you should sort out the currants, pick up the leaves, stems and zipped berries and spread the berries on a reading board. Freeze the berries in the freezer at -18°C. Then transfer the berries into a bag or container as convenient for you.

Vinogradiv. To ensure that the berries are dried and not zipped, they have lost their flavor, it is recommended to pick them in dry, dry weather. It’s bad for wet berries to dry out. Currants can be dried with hot berries or brushes. Sort out the currants and place them on a metal tray so that the stench doesn’t stick together too strongly. Dry in the oven for a long time at a temperature of 60 degrees, without closing the oven door. Store dried currants in dry, tightly sealed jars in a dark place.

2. Black currants without cooking for the winter


Pivtora kilograms of black currants;

Pіtora kilograms of cucru.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully remove the berries from the mouth, collect all the leaves that were wasted during picking, and the grass, discard the zipped currants.

2. Rinse the selected berries with water and divide into approximately three parts.

3. Twist two thirds of the currants into the minced meat.

4. Mix currant puree with whole berries and zucchini in a separate container.

5. Carefully, so as not to crush the whole berry, stir the jam with a spoon, bake 30-45 khvilins, so that all the zukor is completely broken up.

6. Pour the prepared jam into sterile jars and cover tightly with lids.

7. Store in a cool place for storage.

3. Blackcurrant jam without orange jam


Two kilograms of black currants;

Three kilograms of tsukru;

Two big oranges.

Cooking method:

1. Sort out the black currants, stir in the berries, and remove the zipped fruits and leaves. Place the berries on a tray, wash well, and let the berries drain.

2. Transfer the currants into a saucepan and blend with a blender. You can also twist the berries into meat grinders through grinders.

3. Wash the orange carefully, and rub with a sponge if necessary. Cut, without peeling the skins, into small pieces and trim.

4. Mix currant mass with orange mass in one large container, stir in the zuccor.

5. Leave the jam for a few years until all the grains are completely separated. Stir sometime.

6. Once the zukor has split, transfer the jam into sterilized jars and seal the container tightly with lids.

7. Make sure to keep the food in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place.

4. Blackcurrant jelly without boiling for the winter


A kilogram of black currant;

A kilogram of sugar sand and sugar powder.

Cooking method:

1. To ensure that the jelly has a soft texture, you need to stir in the prepared pulp powder. You can add the finished product or make the powder yourself from the pulp.

2. Pour the zukor in small portions into a grinder and grind until powdered.

3. Carefully mix and sort the berries in a blender, then place the mass on a sieve with small openings. Grind the berries until the skin is as thick as possible so that it does not get lost in the jelly.

4. Pour the currant powder into the currant jelly in small portions, gradually stirring the mixture.

5. Transfer the lower jelly to the back of clean, sterilized jars and roll up.

5. Black currants without boiling for the winter with raspberries


A sprinkling of raspberries;

1 kg black currants;

1.8 kg of cucumber pisku;

A bottle of water.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and rinse the currant berries. Fill 2 hvilini with boiled water. Place the hot currants on a sieve and pass the berries through them.

2. Sort the raspberries and refine them manually until they become puree.

3. Prepare the cherry syrup: add water to the sand, bring to a boil, remove from heat and stir thoroughly. Make sure you don’t pour too much syrup into the syrup, you can stir the masa from time to time to ensure that all the crunches are gone.

4. Pour the jam into a sterile hot glass container and seal the lids tightly.

5. Pour black currants for a couple of days at room temperature, then transfer to storage in a cooler place.

6. Assorted jam. Polunitsya, black and red currants without boiling


Half a kilogram;

A drop of red currant;

Black currant syrup;

A packet of citric acid (15 g);

Pіtora kilograms of cucru.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully sort out all the berries, stir the currants into a bowl, and tear off the tails at the bottom.

2. Transfer half of the mixture into a blender bowl and add puree.

3. Place black and red currants in a large container and pour dill onto 1 piece of wine, then add water immediately and grind the berries themselves through a sieve.

4. Mix the currant mass with the midday puree, add the pulp and citric acid.

5. Add jam with jam for the first day of dinner. What time should I fight until the whole tsukor is broken? Don’t forget to go and mix the berries once or twice a year.

6. Pour the prepared blackcurrant jam without boiling into a sterile container, add a small amount of zest, and roll up.

7. Save it from any handy cold place.

Black currants without cooking for the winter - secrets and little tricks

You can enhance the taste of your winter preparations and prepare not just black currants, but various assorted berries with these recipes. For example, currants with arus, raspberries, hazelnuts, and also a mixture of black currants with red and white currants. The principle of preparation does not change, but the proportion of berries and zucchini is adjusted: one to one. It is not good to put less cucumber, because the berries are not amenable to heat treatment, due to the lack of potency of the cucumber powder, jam, jelly or jam can be sealed without surviving until winter. And the excess corn can be added to the product.

If you don’t like the tassels in your jamie jelly, don’t forget to grind the berries through a sieve. To avoid any special folding, it is recommended to trim or blanch the berries first.

Place the prepared black currants in clean, dry, sterilized jars. Jars can be easily and quickly sterilized by placing them in a preheated oven for 15 minutes.

How to make delicious currant jam for the winter. Recipes and recommendations on the culinary portal website

Currants are a source of health benefits. Currants enhance blood circulation, reduce the acidity of shrub juice, reduce fermentation processes in the intestines and improve metabolic processes in the body. Currants contain 2 times more potassium, less than well-known leaders - bananas, and instead of ascorbic acid, 4 times more potassium, less than citrus fruits. What’s great is that during processing, the maje currant does not lose its amazing fruits, which gives us the opportunity to prepare the harvested barkberry berries in a variety of ways. One of them is varennya varennya.

Currant jam not only contains all the brown power of fresh berries, but it is also remarkably preserved in the minds of my apartment under simple cracks. This, of course, can be rolled up, but it’s just because it’s too late to finish it in your house.

Boil the jam until it’s thick, thick enough, then prepare the berries in advance. They need to be sorted out, the holes removed, the ends trimmed, rinsed and dried.

Black currant jam “Pyatikhvilinka”

12 cl. currant berries,
15 cl. tsukru,
300ml water.

Wash the berries and place them on a sieve. Boil the syrup with half the amount of berries and water, add the berries and cook after boiling for exactly 5 berries. Remove from the fire, sizzle the zukor; when any is left, stir until completely dissolved and roll up immediately.

Black currant jam “Three by five”

3 kg currants,
4 kg cucru,
3 cl. drive

Boil the syrup from the turmeric and water. Place the boiling syrup in the boiling syrup and dry the berries, bring to a boil and cook for exactly 5 quills. Get over it. Then put it back on the fire and boil 5 quills after boiling. Let it cool again. For the third time, put the jam on the fire, boil, boil 5 khvilins and pack into sterilized jars.

Jelly black currant jam

11 cells black currant,
1.5 cl. drive,
13 cells tsukru.

In a jam bowl, mix the berries and water, put on the boil, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, sift the zukor and stir until completely dissolved. Cool the jam and transfer to clean jars.

Black currant jelly

6 cl. drive,
1 kg currant berries,
2.5 kg cucru.

Boil water, place the prepared berries in it and cook until boiling for 2 minutes. Rub the hot berry mixture through a large sieve, add the zukor, put it back on the fire and bring to a boil. After 3 minutes, remove from heat and pour into sterilized jars. Roll up. The pulp of the berries can be frozen and boiled in compotes.

Cold “varennya” with black currants

1 kg currants,
1-1.5 kg tsukru.

Place the washed and thoroughly dried currants in an enamel or plastic bowl and crush with a wooden cloth. You can speed it up with a blender, otherwise vitamin C will cause breakdown. Mix the berry mixture with the zukr, stirring with a wooden spoon until the zukr is broken up. Transfer the finished masa into dry, sterile jars, cover with the cucumber and place under polyethylene lids in a cold place.

9 cl. currants,
3 cl. malini,
15 cl. tsukru,
300ml water.

In a bowl for jam, mix half the quantity of zucchini, berries and water, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the fire, add the zukor; if any is left, mix until completely dissolved and pack into sterilized dry jars. Roll up.

Black currant jam

1 kg cucru,
1.25 kg black currant puree.

Wash the currants, dry them and pass through a meat grinder or use a blender for details. Rub the masa through a sieve. You can prepare it in another way: blanch the berries in boiling water for 3-5 lengths, then rub through a sieve with a wooden spoon. Mix half the amount of zukru with berry puree, boil until the zukru is completely dissolved for 15-20 khvilins, sift the zukor, which is left and cook until ready for another 15 khvilins. Place in jars, cool and store in the cold.

Black currant jam with lemon


1 kg currants,
1 lemon,
1.25 kg cucru.

Proceed and dry the berries using a blender and beat with the zur. Place the dishes with berries on the fire and cook, stirring, until boiling. Then change the heat and cook for 15 minutes. Add|add| cut lemon into thin slices, cook for another 15 minutes|minutes| And remove from the fire. Pack the hot sauce into clean jars, let it cool without breaking the lids, then cover with paper rolls soaked in chuck, and tie with polyethylene melt.

Black currant and apple jam

400 g currants,
400 g apples,
4 cl. tsukru,
2 cl. drive

For the cob, boil syrup from the zucchini and water, drop the currants and boil, removing the foam, until the berries begin to burst. Add the apples, cut into slices, into the bowl and cook until thickened. Transfer to sterilized jars and roll up.

Blackcurrant jam with honey

800 g currants,
800 g honey,
2 cl. drive

Boil honey with water, sift the prepared currants and cook, removing the foam until the berries become clear. Pack into sterilized jars and seal.

Varennya with black currants and oranges

1 kg currants,
2 oranges,
1.5 kg cucru.

Sort and rinse the currants and remove the stems from the oranges. Pass the berries and oranges together with the skin through a meat grinder, add the zuccor and mix well. Place on fire, bring to a boil, remove from heat and place in sterilized jars. Roll up.

Black currant and raspberry jam

500 g black currants,
1 kg raspberries,
1.5 kg cucru.

Cover the prepared berries with the zur and let stand for 7-8 years to release the juice. Then place the dishes with berries on the stove and cook over low heat, removing the kick, until approximately 40 quills are ready. Cool, place in clean, dry jars and roll up.

Assorted jam with raspberries and currants

9 cl. currants,
3 cl. malini,
1 cl. drive,
15 cl. tsukru.

Pour water over the prepared berries, boil, add half the amount of zucchini and cook until boiling for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, sizzle any remaining zukor and stir until completely dissolved. Cool, place in clean jars, cover with polyethylene lids.

Assorted jam with black currants, raspberries and arusa

7 cl. currants,
3 cl. aґrusu,
2 cl. malini,
1 cl. drive,
15 cl. tsukru.

The preparation method is similar to the previous recipe. For assorted jam, you can add any berries or smut, adjusting the proportion - no more than 12 bottles of berries to 15 bottles of cucumber.

Black and red currant jam

1 kg black currants,
250 g currants,
800 g cucru,
1 cl. drive

Boil syrup from cherry and water, add currants and bring to a boil. Pour into a basin overnight. The next day, bring the berry mass to a boil and cook until tender. Readiness is indicated as follows: drops of syrup do not spread across the plate. Place hot sauce in sterilized jars, roll up, turn over, wrap.

In our gardens, there is not just one type of currant: black, perhaps, the most popular, ale, red and white currants have their own shades. Jam made from red and white currants is not suitable for everyone through dry skins. Therefore, it is most common for jamming of many types of currants to rub the berries through a sieve to remove the stems and skin. Red and white currants are better gelled, which allows them to be widely used in the prepared jam.

Jelly preserved z|iz| red currants

1 kg red currants,
1 kg cucru,
1 cl. drive

Place the prepared berries in an enamel saucepan, pour in water and place on the fire. Bring to a boil, boil 1-2 berries and rub the berries through a sieve. In this case, sift the zuccor and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes after boiling. Pack it in hot-looking sterilized jars and roll it up.

“Kholodne” jam with red currants

1 kg red currants,
2 kg cucru.

Grind and dry the red currants through a meat grinder or use a blender. Rub through a sieve and remove the masa and sift the zukor. Stir with a wooden spoon until all the tsukor is broken up. Transfer the berry mixture to a clean, dry jar and cover with polyethylene lids. Keep in the cold.

Currant jam with vanilla

1 kg red currants,
1.4 kg cucru,
1 cl. drive

Wash and dry the currants. Boil the syrup from the peel and water, add the berries and cook until boiling for 20 minutes on low heat. Add vanilla and pack hot into sterilized jars. Roll up.

Assorted jelly with red currants, raspberries and hazelnuts

1 kg red currant puree,
500 g raspberry puree,
1.5 kg cucru,
300ml water.

Blanch the currants in dill with a few pieces of hulls, then rub through a sieve. Prepare puree from half and half raspberries by adding the berries to a blender. Eat the insult and see the puree. Boil syrup from zucchini and water, mix with berry puree, heat to a boil and pour into jars. Roll up.

Assorted jam made from currants and hair peas with honey

500 g currants,
500 g black currants,
500 g apples,
1 kg honey,
1.5 cl. volosk gorikhiv,
500 g cucru.

Wash the currants, fill them with water and place them on the stove. Rub the softened berries through a sieve. Prepare a syrup with honey and zucchini, add a piece of apple and some pea hairs. Bring to a boil, add the berry puree and cook over medium heat for a year, stirring occasionally. When the jam is ready, spread it hot into sterilized jars and roll it up.

Varennya with currants and bananas.

1 l red currant juice,
600 g cucru,
4-5 bananas.

In a bowl for jam, combine currant juice, banana puree and zuccor. Place on fire, bring to a boil and cook, turning the heat for 40 minutes. Pour into sterilized jars and seal.

Red currant jam

1 kg red currants,
1 kg cucru.

Crush the washed and dried currants with a wooden weaver and rub through a sieve. Add|add| zukor, move and cook over medium heat, stirring with a wooden spoon, until thickened. Place the hot mixture into sterilized jars and roll up.

Jam made from red currants and cherries

1.5 kg red currant puree,
500 g cherries without tassels,
1 kg cucru.

Blanch the red currants in dill, 1-2 lengths long, rub through a sieve and combine with the zucchini. Cook in a saucepan until thickened. Add the cherries and cook until tender, stirring occasionally. Place in sterilized jars and seal.

Jam with red currants and kavuna


1 kg red currants,
1 kg of kavun pulp,
1.5 kg cucru.

Combine currants with zur, add kavun pulp and cook for 30-40 minutes after boiling. Rub through a sieve. Pack into clean, dry jars and store in the refrigerator.

Varennya with red currants and aґrusu

1.5 kg red currants,
1.5 kg of agus berries, unripe trouts,
3 kg cucru,
1.3l water.

Place the prepared berries in a saucepan, add water and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes, mashing the berries. Add the zukor, change the heat and cook, stirring gradually until all the zukor is broken up. Then turn up the heat and cook for another 25-30 minutes. Pour the hot liquid into sterilized jars and roll up.

White currant jam without stems

1 liter of white currant juice,
1.3 kg cucru.

Wash and dry white currants, scald with dill and rub through a sieve. Combine the juice and the cucumber and bring to simmer over medium heat. Bring to a boil and continue cooking, stirring and removing the foam. As soon as the fruit stops appearing, spread the jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

White currant jam

1 kg white currants,
1.3 kg cucru,
2 cl. drive

To prepare the white currant berries, soak in the zur from the jar, 1 bottle of zur per 1 bottle of berry, and leave in a cold place for 8 years. Using the zucchini and water that is left over, boil the syrup, add the berries with the juice that you see, and cook over medium heat until the berries are sprouted. Pour into sterilized jars and seal.

Away from the blanks!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Almost in the skin garden of our summer residents there are bushes of black and red currants, bark berries and rich in vitamins.

Our grandmothers also grew up with the price of indispensable and brown currant bushes, like berries from our children or even from day to day sprouts. Delight your household and guests with this aromatic and vitamin-packed whole river dessert, treat them to home-made amazing currants, grated with zest. This is so sweet to the hearts of both adults and especially children. I remember from my childhood - the sight of the great (and what’s more, remember the scene from the movie “Girls”!) sandwich with aromatic currants, grated with zest and drinking tea from a samovar for the sake of children’s ears! People were buzzing and chattering - with such an appetite they remembered this vitamin relish!

Currants, grated with zukr for the winter 7 recipes

There are no special problems with boiled berries and syrup, so I can prepare the currants for the winter so I can feed the cobs.
Well, the simplest and most vitamin supply for the winter is definitely the currants ground with the zur. This method of preparing currants optimally preserves their taste and power. A fragrant, savory dessert in the cold not only reminds of the summer sun, but it will be brown in case of colds.

Barkness and Skoda currants

Currants are a rich berry, and they are delicious.
Vitamins, microelements and life substances are the basis of the fruits of the plant. Of particular importance is vitamin C and ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the rich organs of the prosecutor’s office and body systems. It allows you to boost your immunity and prevent fatigue.
Another important vitamin is the component of group A. This is beta-carotene, which has oncoprotective properties. The chemical composition of black currants contains vitamins of group B. They induce synthetic processes in the body, stimulate the production of hormones and enhance the absorption of protein. The additional component that is the basis of black currant is vitamin K.

The totality of bark acids found in berries (phytoncides, acids, pectin, tannins, essential oils) helps fight viruses. Preserve the body and improve the work of the herbal system.

The supply of microelements in currant berries (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, salizo, magnesium) flows into metabolic processes, supports the acid-water balance and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Due to its rich stock, black currants are used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

The berries are widely used in the treatment of: anemia, illness of the scolio-intestinal tract, damage to the cardiovascular, sechostatic and respiratory systems. The fruits are additionally used to combat influenza, respiratory and viral illnesses.

Tea and herb-based infusions help fight colds.
Currant tea acts as a sedative reliever.
This day promotes the normalization of mental processes.

There is enough fruit for harvest, the smut does not exceed the norm for a third of the bottle. This will help keep your body in good shape, improve your memory and enhance your intellectual abilities.

Contraindicated for currant use

There are a lot of positive authorities, both pro and contraindications. Implantation of fetuses is not recommended due to the presence of thrombophlebitis. The presence of vitamin K in them will further provoke a laryngeal swelling of the blood. It is recommended to eat berries if you have problems with the acidity of the stem. This can lead to gastritis. Be careful during pregnancy.

Currants, grated with cucrum for the winter recipe

To prepare this vitamin bomb, you only need currants and zukor. Our motto: no brew - healthy vitamins!

For currants and cucumber for the winter, the proportions are as follows:

Chorna currant - 1 kg
Tsukor - 1 kg


The currants are ground into minced meat.

Let's add tsukor.

Carefully mix the currants and zukr.

We pack the currants and zur into jars and cover them with lids.
You need to store currants and zur in the refrigerator. Currants, grated from cucumber, can be preserved all winter! Delicious!

Chorna currants grated with cucrum for the winter recipe for p'yatikhvilinka

We stock up on vitamins for the winter. The varenna does not boil, it comes out clotted, fragrant and brown. With such preparations you can cook compotes, bake pies, and simply drink with tea. An indispensable remedy for colds and flu.
Currants - 1 kg
Tsukor - 2 kg

Our products are for preparing currants for the winter.

It is good to rinse and dry the currants.

Pass the currants through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender.

Dodati tsukor.

Mix the berries and cinnamon well.

Wash jars and nylon caps thoroughly with soda. Sterilize jars in any way. Viklasti varenya in jars.

Top the jam with 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons. Cover with a nylon cap. You can save currants for the winter at room temperature.

Preparing currants for the winter can be done with melting or mold, but before using it is necessary to remove the top part of the peel. Have a nice tea!

Black currant jam with zest without boiling in a microchicken oven

250 g black currants
250 g cucru

Sort through the berries, wash and dry.
Place in a large container suitable for a microwave oven, and cover with a lid.
Warm the berries with extreme pressure for 5 minutes.
Blend the berries with cucumber, crush them and mix. Turn the vegetable loaf 5 times, then remove and stir. Repeat 4 times.

Serve immediately. Delicious!

Currants pureed with cucrum for the winter - recipe

The list of ingredients for this unique jam includes orange, and this is a recipe for jam that does not require cooking!
1 kg currants
1.5 kg cucru
1 orange

Sterilize jars and lids for jam and currants. Wash the orange and sprinkle with dill to remove the wax.

Then refine it at once with the skin using a blender.

Repeat with currants.

Then eat the fruit and berry puree, add the zuccor and mix. Leave the masa at room temperature for a couple of years. Stir the masa several times over the course of an hour and whisk until the zuccor has completely turned into syrup.

After the zukor has split, put the jam into jars and roll up.
Keep the jam in the refrigerator. Let's go through the river and save our taste and power.


How to make “alive” blackcurrant jam without jam

This is a great recipe for blackcurrant jam for the winter. The name of the recipe indicates that the jam is prepared without boiling. This is correct only often: the jam will need to be put on fire, but in this case it cannot be brought to a boil.
1 kg black currants
1 kg cucru

Sort through and eat the berries.

Crush the berries with a wooden mat in an enamel bowl or pass through a meat grinder.

Vsipte tsukor. When you use a meat grinder, you need to add the zukor step by step, twisting it with the berries. The resulting puree must be heated over low heat with constant stirring until the pulp is completely dissolved. The temperature may exceed 80 degrees.

Place the hot jam into sterile jars and seal.
Korisna jam is ready before tea! Delicious!

Black currant jam for the winter without jam video recipe

Very tasty for tea and bread!


Black currants grated with cucrum for the winter

Another recipe for preparing black currants for the winter. This method of preparing black currants allows you to save more vitamin C, which is contained in it. In order not to deplete vitamins during cooking, black currants do not need to be rolled in minced meat, otherwise the vitamin content may change significantly when it is oxidized. It is best to grind the currants in a glass bowl using a wooden bowl or wooden spoon. To ensure that the black currants, grated with the zur, do not ferment, the zur needs to be fermented in the same proportion - twice as many as less berries.
Black currant – 1 kg
Tsukor – 2 kg

Sort out the berries, rinse them, take everything away and dry them well.

In a bowl, boil a small amount of black currants and some of the zucchini. I grate the berries and zukor with the help of a wooden spoon or pumpkin.

When the berries are thoroughly ground, sift in any zukor that is left over and mix everything well.

Jars for black currants, grated with cucumber, clean and sterilize. Place the currants in the prepared jar, cover the animal with a small ball of currant and cover with nylon caps. Black currants are preserved, grated with zur in the refrigerator or in the fridge.


I hope the recipes for making currants, grated from zucchini, will help you prepare this wonderful dessert before tea. And it’s great to decorate your table. The whole river, and especially on winter evenings, with a cup of tea, the taste of currants, grated with zest, will lift your spirits. I wish you a pleasant tea!

So, I recommend that all lovers take note of the recipe for aromatic classic charlotte with apples, cooked in the oven until tea by my colleague Timur. Delicious!

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