Stegna, stewed in hot sauce. Recipe for chickens in hot sauce Chicken stegna with hot sauce

Our everyday life is not recognizable without meat strav... Zvychayno, є post, є vegetarian їzha, ale tse vinyatok, nіzh rule. Meat is given to our body: strength and energy. For children, for children, and also for people, the robot is tied with physical options- Do not do without meat.


  • Stegna kuryache - 4 pieces
  • Tsibulya rіpchasta - 1 piece (medium size)
  • Sil - 1 tsp
  • Black pepper chalk - shchіpka
  • Oliya roslinna for grease

It is possible to pass without preseeding until the preparation of the gravy. Cool stegna - wetted with running water, seen pir'yini (yaksho є), viscous fat (if it is rich). It is cleanable for cybulin and for food use. The meat is salted, peppery.

Dodaamo tsibulyu and mixes with a hammer. Zalishaєmo for 1 year marinuvatisya. Put the frying pan on the middle fire. Pour mo 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive olive. Zvilnyaєmo meat from tsibuli is laid out in a hot frying pan.

Fastened with fire. I want to tell you about my open, how to grease the stegen is needed for the general head from two sides, until the ruddy skorinka is close to the year.

For the hammer, you can get a variety of different sauces.

Mushroom sauce recipe

  • Sour cream - 200 g
  • Mushroom peppers - 200 g
  • Sil, pepper - pinch
  • Chasnik - 1 tooth
  • Boroshno - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Oliya - 50 g

Mushrooms are cleaned and washed with water. Yakshcho vrahuvati, how mushrooms change greatly when they are hot, they need to be cut into a cube not less than 1 cm. Visipaєmo narizanі mushrooms and obsmazhumo until golden color. Clean up the chapel from the lushpinnya.

Gotuєmo sauce

It is good to eat trochi in a frying pan. Sour cream has 50 g of warm water. Z'є із mushrooms. Prodovzhuєmo extinguish on vognі. Visipaєmo flour | borosno | in a cup and step by step add 50 g of water. Rozmіshuєmo, the breast didn’t roll, or the process through a sieve. Schhob sauce is wiyshov rіvnomіrnim, bred richly fortified in a frying pan and continuously stirring. After 5 hvili, kipinnya, solimo. Chasnik podrіbnyuєmo through chasnik і dodaєmo in sauce. For khilina - vimikaєmo vogon. Introduced to achieve.

Recipe for meat sauce based on ketchup

We know the following products:

  • Ketchup - 2 tbsp spoons
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Girchytsya - 1 year.
  • Chasnik - pidloga zubka (for bazhannyam)
  • Parsley - 2 stalks

Ketchup, mayonnaise and girchitsyu zmіshuєmo u misci.

Cleanse a tooth for an hour-maker, and a half for the help of an hour-maker. I will punch the greens with a knife. Dodaamo to the other products, mix it up. The sauce is ready.

Yak vidomo, smoked meat is good to eat with delicious sauces, and it’s delicious and juicy. One s far away recipes - chicken in hot sauce... They will give them nіzhny sauce from the top a special aroma and flavor. Strava to flow with savory and to finish with sieve.


To cook the chicken in a pea sauce, you need to know:

1 kg of chicken stegon (or part of the hammer);

1 great cibulin;

1 clove for an hour;

1 tbsp. l. boron;

0.5 flasks of purification hairy mountains;

200 ml tops of 15% fat;

silt, black pepper, nutmeg;

roslinna olia for obsmazhuvannya.

Etapi preparatory

Vidaviti a chaplain, smear trochies at once from a tsibulea, close to 1 hvili. Vsepati borosno, stir up, schob | abi | greedily smeared і didn’t make the breast, instead of adding bitterness.

Pour in tops, salt, pepper the sauce for gusto, add a pinch nutmeg that bring to the point. Yaksho bitter sauce can be seen but thick, add more tops.

Have a bitter sauce of viclast, greased chicken stegna.

Mash, schob the meat with the sauce. Quench the chicken in a bitter sauce with a crouton on top of the bread for about 30 quills until the meat is ready.

Chicken, cooked according to the cim recipe in a pea sauce, is served in a bowl of juicy and juicy.

Accept your appetite, please your loved ones!

good recipe with photos

A savory and non-inviting country for the supper - stegens, stewed in a bitter sauce. You will be pleasantly seasoned with a low, original taste of meat, and a thick sauce from the hairs of the meat is also given as soon as you go to the garnish. Before the speech, the sauce can be varied, with small pieces of meat or "pierce" it with a blender until it is sculpted and creamy.


  • 4-5 chicken stegon
  • 5 cm stem of tsibuli-leek
  • 2 hairy kernels
  • 1.5 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. olii for grease
  • 1/5 tsp melenoi paprika
  • 2-3 pinches of black pepper
  • 2-3 cod of dried basil
  • 150 ml of water
  • greens before serving


1. For a cob it is necessary to marinate chicken stegna. For bazhannyam you can take a shkіra or overlap її. Rinse the chicken and dry it with servet, then smear it with sily, special and dried basil. Chill out at the cold ice for 30-40 minutes.

2. Wash and clean the cybula as needed. Surely, if I dumb leek, then go and beep.

3. Razkolit walnuts and get the kernels. They didn’t have any problems, they didn’t have a lot of shkarulupi and peremetki.

4. In a frying pan, rozіgrіya olіya and on a strong fire, grease the trigger from two sides to a ruddy skorinka (khvilyn 5 each). Then give some bitters and leeks.

5. Add water, mix everything. Extinguish pid shielded kryshka khilin 30, periodically peeping - why not burn?

Until tsyogo awkward recipe From the trigger, I got the hang of it, but it didn't start, it didn't start to get started, often there were hairs of the hair, as we can't get overwhelmed at home. But here the child is suvoro bulo punished the bitterness, and - hurray, hurray! - Nareshti I could do a miracle to prepare.

For his sutta of a hammer in a chasnikovy-gorich sauce, it’s not just that, yak satsivi, ale my recipe is a very smart and maximally forgiving option, it’s wonderful to go for a summer menu.

For products, you need to take a few simple products:

Kurka, for be-yaki її meat parts - stegentsya, stegna - scho є;

Nearly 10 hairy mountains;

Tooth for an hour;

Mayonnaise, silt and parsley.

I bought two chicken legs with quilts on two ports, cleaned them and cut them into shmat.

I cleaned the peas, the chapel, and the greens.

Dip the chicken into the salt water and cook about 20-25 quilins until ready.

Supplemented with greens and even more dividingly with spices.

For the sauce satsivі crіm gorіkhіv and green, an ostrich is required - yogo we are smothered with a squeeze for an ostrich, - mayonnaise and prodzheniy broth with a ham. If you beat him, you need a mixer or a blender, so I immediately put everything in a large bowl.

It's an hour-maker.

Approximately 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise and chicken broth.

Zbyvaєmo everything with a mixer, adjusting the thick sauce to the sum of the sour cream. Those who are satsivi are not afraid to get rid of them, it’s not scary;

I will boil a Viklada chicken on a tarilka and yes, I’ll give you trocha oholonuti (don’t burn your fingers).

There is a lot of meat from the stews, with a lot of garnie there will be little pieces of any size, both great, and other. They were more vindicated in the middle of the middle - the stench of the sauce leaked.

Pour the chicken with a bitter-garlic sauce, curled with a crouton and put in a cool place for a couple of years yak minimum.

Satsivi with a great number is ready to be served white hlib- Baguette chi chiabatti. For a family member, you can simply drink the sauce with bread.