Salad with cold smoked olive ribi recipe. Salad with olive fish

Choose smoked fish? Give respect to the way of smoking. Riba of hot smoked meat rich in juice, has a soft consistency. Ale, the term of applicability is not high, її you can save more than 3 dobi, that and then at the refrigerator. In cold-smoked fish, the term of applicability is significantly greater, the proteo meat in such ribi is significantly more pronounced and more salty.
When buying smoked fish, it is respectful to look up to it. Ribka, cooked in dima like tirsi, listen like satisfied - its color is golden, it shines on the surface. As if the fish has darkened, and the color of the meat may be reddish, better for everything, the virobnik vikupovuvav її in the smoker's homeland. Regardless of the method of smoking, do not take the fish, as if looking too dry.


- 1 cold smoked fish:
- 1 bottle of rice
-4 boiled eggs,
- 1 cibulin,
- otset,
-2st. spoons of sour cream
-2st. mayonnaise spoons,
-Sik 1 lemon,
- Greens, pepper, sil.

1. Rice is washed, cooked in salted water until cooked.
2. Tsibulu is washed with pivkiltsy and filled with hot water with otstom for 20-30 hvilin.
3. Smoked fish is processed into fillets, cut into small cubes. Eggs are crushed.
4. We eat rice, marinated cibula, smoked riba and eggs, mix it up. Salimo, pepper to taste. Seasoned with sour cream, mixed with mayonnaise and lemon juice. Decorate with chopped greenery.


- 1 large smoked riba (pink salmon or salmon)
-3-4 boiled eggs,
-1 cup of rice
-4 salted ogirkiv,
-1-2 cibulini,
-Sik 1/2 lemon, greens.
1. Smoked rib is taken out of it with all the brushes, fillets are cut into cubes.
2. Rice is washed, poured with yogo dip, left for 5 quills, then we put yogo on a drushlyak and washed. Then we cook rice by the salty water. Such rice comes out ideal, not boiled.
3.Shіlnі salty stumps and I cleaned the cibula with small cubes.
4. We get all prepared products, seasoned with mayonnaise. The final chord - you can see the juice from half a lemon, everything is mixed and embellished with greenery.


- 1 small cold smoked mackerel
-150gr. sire,
-100gr. pickled mushrooms,
-1 great cibulina,
-2-3 eggs,
- chopped greens kropu,
-2 kartopleni,
- mayonnaise for dressing
-1st. otstu spoon,
- black chalking pepper and strength for relish,
-1h olive spoon.

1. Syrah rub on the great third. Cut the mushrooms. Peel the cibula, fill it with pivkiltsy, scald with sprinkles and pour with otstom. Eggs boil cool and chop. To cut the fish on a fillet without shkiri and tassels and cut with small pieces. Potatoes are boiled at the shkirtsі, peeled, grated, salted and peppered to taste.
2. Hang a deep salad bowl with grub and cover with olive oil. Let's put cheese on the bottom and sides of the salad bowl, put a ball of mushrooms in the middle, on them - qibula, mayonnaise, eggs, fish, krip, potatoes. The rest of the ball can be smeared with mayonnaise and fill the salad in the spring at room temperature. After that, turn the grass on a flat surface and lift it up.


- 300gr. smoked halibut fillet
3-4 boiled potatoes,
- 3 boiled eggs.
For dressing: 2-3st. spoons of rosemary olії, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granular mustard, lemon juice, black chalking pepper.
For embellishment: leafing lettuce (violet color is possible), rubana greens.
1. For dressing, beat olive oil with mustard, lemon juice and grind pepper.
2.Ribou, potatoes and eggs are narrated with small pieces. Everything is peremishuєmo, refueling refueling.
3. Ready salad is laid out on a dish, served with lettuce leaves. Decorate with chopped greenery.


-400-600 UAH m'yakoti ribi of hot smoked meat
-5-6 small maps
-4-5 eggs
-1-2 salted ogirkiv
-cibulina or green cibulina
- parsley greens

1. Boil potatoes in their uniforms and eggs. Narizaemo small cubes.
2. M'yakush ribi is painted with small pieces.
3. The cibulus is shaky shaky or with thin pivkiltsy. The green cibulus is simply cut with kitchen scissors.
4. Salted stumps are cut into small cubes.
5. At the same time, all the ingredients are seasoned with mayonnaise. We transfer it to a salad bowl, decorate greenery and serve it on the table.


- 1 kg of hot smoked codfish,
-150-200 gr mayonnaise,
-2 heads of cybuli,
-3-4 apples,
-Sil, pepper, spices - for relish.
1. M'yakush trіski narіzati dіbnimi skebochki.
2. Add the trimmed cibula, apple, mayonnaise,
3. All components are thoroughly mixed.
4. Lay the lettuce in a salad bowl and decorate with greenery.


-Oseledets cold smoked - 400 gr.
- apple - 3 pcs.,
- boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.,
- lemon juice - 2 teaspoons,
- Gorіh hairy - 0.5 bottles,
- mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons.

1. Peel the apple and cut into cubes.
2. Potatoes, peas, finely chop.
3. Settled on small frills without tassels and drizzled with lemon juice.
4. Mix all components by adding mayonnaise.


-200 gr ribi fillet,
-3 maple,
- 2-3 tbsp. spoons of pickled mushrooms,
-1-2 fresh ogirkiv,
- 1 cibulin,
- 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped green cibuli,
- 1/2 bottle of sour cream,
Cooked potatoes, cibulae, fish and cibula are cut with wedges, minced with trimmed mushrooms, green cibula and seasoned.


- The fish is smoked be-yak.
- tsibula is green
-green peas.

1. Clean the fish,
2. Potatoes and cibula are roughly cut,
3. Fill everything with oil

Leaf salad with smoked fish

- smoked mackerel - 200 gr.
- eggs - 4 pcs.
- qibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.
- Sir cowbasny - 200 gr.
- vershkov oil - 2 tbsp
- Mayonnaise - for relish
- strength for relish
- green crop - for relish.

For a salad, it is necessary to take hot smoked fish. Narizat mackerel, pickled cibula - chop finely, boiled eggs- finely rub, cow's cheese and vershkov oil on the great third. Put everything on a dish in the next sequence, smearing the skin ball with mayonnaise:
1 ball - smoked mackerel;
2 ball - marinated cibula;
3 ball - Vershkov oil;
4 ball - cowbasny sir;
5 ball - eggs. Salad embellish the green crop.

-smoked salmon - 400g
-rice jam - 400g
- Peas - 100g
- corn - 100g
-green peas - 100g
- sourdough sturgeon - 50g
- Creep of spices - 1 tbsp
- lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
-olive oliya - 2 tbsp
-Girchitsya - 1/2 tsp
- honey - 1/2 tsp

1.Zmіshati rice, peas, corn, peas and ogirok.
2. For the sauce, mix together lemon juice, herbs, olive oil, mustard and honey. Pour the sauce over rice sumish, mix it up and divide it into 4 parts.
3. Put the salmon pieces on the rice sum. Sip black pepper.


-100 gr. rice
-4 eggs
-1 small smoked fish
-3 cibulini
-strength and pepper for relish
- roslinna oliya


1. Take rice and eggs, cook.
2. Chill the rice, cut the eggs into small cubes. Smoked ribeye (mackerel, oseledeets thinly) are smashed into the skins and tassels and cracked.
3. Cut the cibula with thin calves and brush it to a golden color.
4. Mix all the ingredients, salt, pepper and dress the salad with mayonnaise.


- hot smoked cod - 400g.
-Potatoes - 4-5 pcs.
- Salted ogirki - 3-4 pcs.
-green peas (canned) - 2-3 tbsp.
- carrot - 2-3 pcs.
-green salad- 50g.
-Mayonnaise - 100g.
-Sil, greens - for relish.


1. Boil potatoes in "uniforms", peel the skins and cut them into cubes.
2. Smoked fish, peeled from skins and brushes, salted sturgeons, boiled carrots chopped.
3.Prepared products, change, add | add | green peas, chopped green salad, salt|salt|, season with mayonnaise.
4. Ready salad can be embellished with greens, ribi pieces.

Salad of smoked fish came to our kitchens recently. At the Radyansk hour, smoked rib was a fair deficit, so it was rarely eaten. Today this delicacy is practical at the leather store. І until the holy smoked fish is bought by the skin of the master.

Є kіlka sekretіv, how to choose the right smoked fish. Yakіsny product the mother is to blame for the reception of the village smell. The color of the ribi can be equal, the surface is smooth. Yakisna smoked riba is stored no more than 5 days.

Riba is smoked in 2 ways: cold and hot. When hot smoked, the fish fills with a soft texture and a pleasant golden color. And the cold smoked meat is treated with additional salting, and the fish takes the thickening.

Add smoked fish to the salad: salmon, catfish, trout, catfish, sedentary, perch, codfish. When you have a strain, you can add different ingredients like an apple and a sturgeon to a prune and an egg.

How to prepare a salad with smoked fish - 15 varieties.

Finish a light salad, which can replace the main herb.


  • Smoked catfish - 400 g
  • Calmari - 300 g
  • Bulgur - 250 g
  • Ogirok - 2 pcs.
  • Clockmaker - 2 teeth.
  • Creep - 1 bunch
  • Maslini - 100 g
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Yogurt
  • Olive oliya


Clean and brush the squid. Bulgur v_dvariti ta promiti cold water. Clean the catfish and cut it with dry pieces. Green cibulus, olives and ogirki are cut into pieces. Mix all the components and start preparing the sauce. Beat with a blender to a uniform consistency low-fat yogurt, juice and lemon zest, chopped krip and teaspoon.

In order to cook bulgur properly, it is sufficient to fill it with sprinkles in proportions of 2 to 1 and wrap the dishes with a towel. After 40-50 min. cereal is ready.

Triska is a dietary product, rich in protein. Lettuce comes out of it even lower.


  • Smoked triska - 500 g
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Potato - 2 pcs.
  • Zelena tsibula - 1 bunch
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise


Boil potatoes and eggs. Clean the fish from the shkiri and brushes. All are cut with the same cube, so that the salad is as uniform as possible. Zmishati and season with mayonnaise.

Lemon and fish are more classic and even more savory products.


  • Smoked fish - 200 g
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Ogirok - 1 pc.
  • Canned peas - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greenery


Peel the lemon from the skins and brushes, cut into cubes, and also cut the stump and eggs. Shake the greens dryly. Cut the fish with husbands. Season the mustache components with mayonnaise.

shobbiti homemade mayonnaise, you need to eat in a bowl 150 g olive oil, chewing gum, 2 tsp. gіrchitsі and otstu. Kindly beat everything with a zanuryuvalnym blender.

At first glance, the fusion of mushrooms and ribi seems unimaginable, but the taste of such a salad is fantastic.


  • Smoked fish - 200 g
  • Marinated mushrooms - 150 g
  • Potato - 3 pcs.
  • Ogirok - 1 pc.
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream


Narize the cibula with ribs and sprinkle with sprinkles to clean up the hot water. I cleaned the fish and cut it into pieces of medium rosemary. Cut small potatoes into quarters. Detail ogirki and mushrooms. Mix everything and season with sour cream.

Pink salmon rich in nicotinic acid and vitamin B12. Salad with tsiyu riboi is especially corrosive for the nervous and herbal systems.


  • Smoked pink salmon - 300 g
  • Cherry tomato - 400 g
  • Sirnium sir - 250 g
  • Salad - 1 bunch
  • Mayonnaise
  • Ketchup


Cut the tomato into quarters. Clean the fish from the skins and brushes, cut with small skewers. Tear lettuce with your hands. For the sauce, add mayonnaise and ketchup in proportions of 2 to 1. Add salad in the following order: lettuce, tomato, riba, cheese. Top the grass with sauce.

Tsey lettuce pіdіyde tim, hto stew for the figure, adzhe arugula miraculously split the fat, which is mіstya in smoked ribi.


  • Smoked mackerel - 300 g
  • Rucola - 200 g
  • Cherry tomato - 250 g
  • Quail eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Maslini - 50 g
  • Soy sauce - 20 g
  • Olive oliya


Arugula wimiti, visushiti, tear with your hands and season with soy sauce. Mackerel is cleaned on top. Tomati and eggs are cut into 4 chastochki and viklasti order. Lettuce posipati cut with olives. Season the salad with olive oil.

Tsei blue i savory salad bude garn before the holy table.


  • Smoked trout, chum salmon abo somga - 400 g
  • Potato - 5 pcs.
  • Marinated ogirki - 5 pcs.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Carrot - 3 pcs.
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.
  • Canned peas - 1 bank
  • creep
  • Mayonnaise


Clean the fish and cut it into shmatochki. Ogіrki porіzati and visipati at the bottom of the bowl. Carrots, potatoes and eggs are boiled, cut into small cubes and added with fish to cistern. Also, por_zati and add a cibula. Season everything with mayonnaise and decorate with crop.

The originality of the salad is given by the mix. smoked ribi, prunes that apple.


  • Smoked mackerel - 500 g
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Prunes - 5 pcs.
  • Marinated ogirki - 4 pcs.
  • Zelena tsibulya
  • Gіrchitsya
  • Mayonnaise


Prune for 5 min. soak in okropі, after which it is cooled and cut into strips. Add peeled smoked mackerel to the prunes. Peel the apple from the skin and core, cut into strips. Tsibulya and ogirki dribly cut. All zmіshati and season with sauce from mayonnaise and hot sauce.

Tsey salad is more like a Christmas cake. And the relish of yoga is holy shit.


  • Smoked red riba - 250 g
  • Eggs - 8 pcs.
  • Crab sticks - 500 g
  • Rice - 200 g
  • Carrot - 4 pcs.
  • Sirnium sir - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise
  • Sour cream


Take Glebok square shape and cover it with grub. At the bottom I put red riba, cut into thin slices. Salmon is best for anyone. In the okremіy mistsi zmіshati 4 tbsp. l. sour cream and mayonnaise, as well as 100 g siru siru- Tse bude cream dressing. 2-3 tbsp. l. viklasti cream on riba and spread. Drіbno narіzat hard-boiled eggs and viklasti їх with another ball. I'm going to smudge it with cream and spread it. Stepping ball - grate crab sticks, їх also viklasti and zmastiti. Potim carrot i, nareshti, vіdvareny rice. After that, as the balls will be mashed and tamped, the salad should be left in the refrigerator for a night. After that, turn the shape upside down and get the fish cake.

To choose a smoked salmon from a vacuum oven, it is necessary to bring your respect to the warehouse in the first turn. There's nothing to blame but nothing, krіm ribi and salt. It's not the fault of the pachci but the water. The color of the ribi is due to the sharpness, and to the natural color of the salmon. Before the speech, after breaking the vacuum, the riba is guilty of “sucking” 20th century.

This salad can be revenged on your own by the optimal quantity of proteins and carbohydrates, so it’s wonderful for healthy lifestyle practitioners.


  • Smoked Oseledets - 500 g
  • Potato - 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Ogirok - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Radish - 200 g
  • Zelena tsibulya
  • Olive oliya
  • Soy sauce
  • Ocet
  • Zukor


Cut potatoes, ogirok, 1 egg, radish and sedentary cut into cubes. Tomato and egg, which is left out, cut in pieces for embellishment. For refueling, look for gusto soy sauce, otset, oil and brown zukor. Gently put all the ingredients on the dish and pour over the sauce. Decorate the salad with chopped green cibulia.

Smoked perch is also savory, and ale brush fish. First, add a salad, clean її it is necessary especially relatively.


  • Smoked perch - 300 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greenery


Accurately cut the ribs, pick up the shkiri, tassels and cut them into pieces of medium size. Smash a perch with a chopped egg, greens and mayonnaise.

Dried tomatoes the product is new, but it is similar to the same. The stench far away smells the taste of smoked ribi at the salad.


  • Smoked fish - 300 g
  • Dribna young potatoes - 450 g
  • Dried tomatoes - 150 g
  • Ogіrki - 2 pcs.
  • Cashew peas - 80 g
  • Clockmaker - 6 tooth.
  • Sesame oil - 80 ml
  • Turmeric


Potatoes are thoroughly washed, dried, lightly brushed with olive oil, sprinkled with dried rosemary and baked in shkirts. After that, cool it down and cut it into 4 pieces. Chop cut into cubes, tomatoes and riba - small skewers. For the sauce, use a blender to beat sumish gorіhіv, teaspoon, sesame oil and turmeric. Pour the sauce over the salad before serving.

In order to independently bring down tomatoes, it is necessary to take small, fleshy fruits, as they grew in the sun, and not in a greenhouse.

Whole salad should be cooked in a special form - kilts.


  • Smoked salmon - 200 g
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Potato - 150 g
  • Carrot - 100 g
  • Zelena tsibulya
  • Mayonnaise


Riba, eggs and cibula need to be cut into pieces, potatoes and carrots are grated on a piece of rubbish. Components of the salad in the ring in the following order, smearing the balls with mayonnaise: potatoes, salmon, cibula, eggs with mayonnaise, carrots. Embellish the top with a slip of somga. Before serving, the salad must be infused in the refrigerator for at least 2 years.

Mayonnaise at the salad can be easily replaced with sour cream, to add some mustard and olive oil from it.

This is a savory salad, which you can decorate with canned corn.


  • Smoked fish - 400 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • canned corn- 170 g
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greenery


Clean the fish and cut it. Eggs cut into pieces. Potato - a cube. Mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise, decorate with corn and green cibulia.

Salad with seafood and smoked vugor

Vugor is one of the most delicious ribs. Salad with a vugrom - a gourmet meal, ale yogo cooking will require great zusil.


  • Smoked vugor - 30 g
  • Calmari - 40 g
  • Mussels - 100 g
  • Grebіntsi - 40 g
  • Shrimp tails - 30 g
  • Mix salad - 50 g
  • Unagi sauce - 15 ml
  • Clockmaker - 2 teeth.
  • White wine - 10 ml
  • Vershkov oil - 8 g
  • Lemon sik - 20 g
  • Sauce vinaigrette
  • Roslinna Oliya
  • spice up


On top of the squid, cut the troch, and then cut the yogo into small parts. Brush shrimp tails for 1-2 minutes, add comb and mussels to them. In the frying pan to seafood, add a vice chasnik, thyme and rosemary. Put the pieces of squid there, add wine and viparyuvati yogo 1-2 min. Salt, pepper, pour olive oil and seafood from pans. After that put some skewers of smoked vugr there. Mix salad zm_shati z|іz| vinaigrette sauce and viklad in a deep plate. Top viklasti ribu and seafood, pour unagi sauce. Decorate the salad with sesame seeds and lemon.

Riba is a product necessary for the health of people. It has a lot of brown microelements, minerals and fats. Smoked fish - do not want to finish an expensive product, or you can buy raw fish and smoke it yourself. At the same time, there are smokehouses at the cottages in the dacha, in which, without special vitrates, you can cook savory hot smoked fish. For whom it is more necessary to salt the whole fish and sip on the bottom of the smokehouse a little codfish. And in about a year, fallow fish, a delicacy that smells appetizing, will be on your table. Salad with hot smoked fish is just tanutime in your mouth and the smell of smoked meats will not deprive any of your loved ones.

Mimosa salad with hot smoked fish

Zvichny and loves bagatma masters salad, preparations with hot smoked fish, welcome you and be worthy of your guests.


  • smoked triska - 200 gr.;
  • sir - 70 gr.;
  • mayonnaise - 50 gr.;
  • eggs - 3-4 pcs.;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • rice - 80 gr.;
  • top oil.


  1. Pick up the hot smoked chicken on small pieces and remove the whiskers. You can beat the sea fish, as it suits you better, and with the cod lettuce, come out especially at the bottom.
  2. In a shallow salad bowl put prepared fish and cover with a thin ball of mayonnaise.
  3. On top of the ribi, put a ball of rice boiled in salted water, and, if you like it, I cut and scalded the qibul.
  4. Spread with mayonnaise and another bowl of salad.
  5. On the great third, grate the frozen inches of butter for juice.
  6. Let's step on the ball to rub the cheese of that egg. Leave one chew for embellishment.
  7. Spread with mayonnaise and repeat with mustache balls.
  8. If the top ball is covered with mayonnaise, then you need to sip on an egg yolk.
  9. Put the salad infused in the refrigerator for a few years, so that the mustache balls leaked out.
  10. Decorate with greenery before serving.

Lettuce with rice and smoked triska come out even lower and piquant.


  • smoked salmon - 300 gr.;
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 50 gr.;
  • eggs - 3-4 pcs.;
  • tsibula chervona - 1 pc.;
  • apple.


  1. Riba needs to be cut into small pieces and see all the brushes.
  2. Leave a sprat of beautiful shmatochkiv, and cut it into a cube.
  3. I cut the potatoes into cubes, after sizing all the warehouses are approximately the same.
  4. Apple, rather antonivka without peeling off the skin, chop the trochs of a smaller size with small pieces.
  5. Eggs are trimmed with a knife or rubbed on a great grater.
  6. Chervona tsibulina should be dyed with a small cube, filling a sprat of thin pir'їnok or a heel for embellishment.
  7. Mix in a deep bowl all the ingredients and dress the salad with mayonnaise.
  8. Let the trochs brew, and serve in portioned bowls, garnishing with small pieces of red cibules, ribeye and greenery.

Such a salad looks great on a salad with crackers.

Salad with smoked hot smoked fish

Tsey lettuce is prepared in the Mediterranean regions. Wines come out even easier and more effective.


  • hot smoked rib - 300 UAH;
  • Lettuce sumish - 150-200 gr.;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 150 g;
  • grapefruit - 1 app.;
  • olive oil - 40 gr.;
  • balsamic score.


  1. Be it sea fish of hot smoked meat is cleaned in the shkir and brushes. Split the fillet into pieces with your hands.
  2. Lettuce leaves are ready to buy, or you can dry them and tear the lettuce leaves into a bowl with your hands.
  3. Divide the tomatoes into halves.
  4. Divide the grapefruit into chastochki and clean it from the skins and leaves. Divide large chasts into halves.
  5. Mix all the ingredients and season the sum of balsamic otstu with olive oil.
  6. Dodatkovo you can sip a dried sum of Provence herbs or seasoning of your choice.
  7. Serve such a salad in a row, until the leaves of the salad have consumed the dressing form.

Even more simple, that fresh taste of salad tells you about summer.

Salad with smoked fish and feta

Another original one savory salad you can cook hot smoked meat from ribi.

Not all for the sake of tasting. Why? We do not know how to take products and how to cook from them. Vlasne, there is nothing terrible and nasty in it. We want to help you grow up, teach you how to cook and grow a salad from smoked keto with your beloved herb.

Tasty and brown salad from smoked keti

Ribi processing features

Today is the current faceless modern technologies, which allow us to preserve the ancient traditions of processing and cooking sea and ocean ribi. Otzhe: method of cold and hot cooking. To see all the affiliation of this product, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the recipes: salad with cold smoked keti and salad with hot smoked keti.

The first recipe is appetizers with hot keto

For yoga preparation we need:

  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • fish - 250 g;
  • mayonnaise 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • French toast - half a teaspoon;
  • apple - 2 pcs.

Sequence of cooking appetizers

  1. We prepare the product: clean the cibula from the husk and chop it finely; boil the eggs for 5-20 strands in a little salty water, cool in cold running water, after which it is necessary to clean and shake thoroughly; fish fish in the form of shkir and zalishkіv drіbnih tassels, cut into cubes; mayonnaise and French firchitsyu z'ednati in one bowl; take the skin off the apples and see the inside, then grate it, vikoristovuyuchi the large side of the grater.
  2. For the fight, we need a deep plate of great diameter.
  3. Along the bottom, evenly spread 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sumish mayonnaise with French mustard.
  4. Next, place the balls in the following sequence: apple, cibula, eggs. Mіzh balls need to be smeared with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sumish mayonnaise with French mustard.

The appetizer is ready to be taken in 2-3 years, for which it is necessary to move to the cold and let it brew.

Another recipe - snacks with cold smoked keto

For the new one we take:

  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.;
  • quail eggs - 8 pcs.;
  • riba - 300 g;
  • mayonnaise;
  • lemon - half;
  • - 2 pcs.

Straw preparation process

  1. Preparing products: from half a lemon, extract the sik, strain it through a sieve; thoroughly wash the potatoes under running water with a brush and cook with a stretch of 10-15 strands in lightly salted water, after which let them cool and shake into cubes; mince the fish from the skin, cut into cubes, drizzle with lemon juice; z tsibulі znyati lushpinnya, narizati drіbno і fill with dill, zashit 5 khvilin, then anger and cool; eggs, boil, cool in running cold water, cut into cubes.
  2. Put a bowl at the corner of the warehouse, mix well.
  3. Drizzle with medium-fat mayonnaise and mix gently.

In order to convey a subtle relish to a salad with keto, we need a form. Serve guests before the table a snack more often in portions. Since you don’t have such a form in your arsenal, you can make sizable plates in the form of mineral water, cutting її across into 10-12 cm ribs.